Current Events
Below is a list of our groups, talks and workshops.
Second-Time Mothers’ Group
This 4-week group is designed for Mums who have just had their second or third baby (≤ 5 months old), but their first baby in Finland. This group will give these mothers an opportunity to meet and create a network of other Mums in a similar situation. The group will also offer positive parenting tips for toddlers, how to divide your attention between two or more children, while still attending to your own self-care, as well as tips on parenting culture and practicalities in Finland, as well as what to do with a young family in the Helsinki region.
October – November 2024
Adult ADHD Group
Are you an adult with an ADHD/ADD diagnosis or show traits of ADHD in your daily life? Do you experience challenges with managing stress, balancing work and leisure, or planning and organising tasks?
Our upcoming six-week program for adults at Compass Psychology aims to introduce:
- Deepen your understanding of the neuroscience of ADHD brain and the role of executive functions.
- Motivation and Task initiation – Tackling procrastination
- Planning and prioritising – Combatting Distractions
- Addressing negative and unproductive thought patterns
- Emotional regulation and distress tolerance
October – November 2024
New Mothers’ Group
The aim of this group is to provide you with practical advice for yourself and your newborn baby, as well as a social support system for you in Helsinki.
In our four week program we offer:
- Post natal yoga & recovery from birth led by a qualified Birthlight yoga teacher in a yoga studio (Purna Yoga)
- Information on social services in Finland, where to get help for you or your baby, useful contacts and resources in English
- Answers to all your breastfeeding questions from a lactaction advisor
- A chance to talk about your birth, changes in your life and relationships after the birth and the emotional difficulties of having a baby when you are far away from home, friends and relatives with a psychologist
August 2024
Past Events
Below is a list of our previous talks and workshops and handouts that can be downloaded (password given during the event).

The Incredible Years
See here for more information.
October – January 2023

Feeling at home in Finland: a one day workshop
Compass Psychology is running a one-day acculturation workshop to Finland in November for foreigners who are curious to know more about how to thrive and live their best life in Finland. The presenter, Annabel Battersby, will offer insider knowledge on Finnish values, culture, and language and describe different ways to integrate into Finnish life successfully. Also included in the workshop price is access to a “Crash Course in Finland”, 2.5 hours of online training through Finnwards.
The workshop will run from 9.30 to 1.30pm on Saturday 30th November at Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 3B9, and costs 167€ (including tea, coffee and cake; 3.5 workshop; printed and electronic resources; 2.5 hours of online material). Read more here. You can purchase the workshop here.
Saturday 30th November 2019

Finding Your Place in Finland: Supercell Event
On May 14th, Supercell hosted an event called “Finding Your Place in Finland”. It was organised by Melanie Dower, who is the person in Supercell who helps new expatriate employees settle into life in Finland. She brought together a number of useful, English language services to speak about what they offer. We were very happy to be among their invited speakers.
Annabel wrote a blog article outlining all the different services and what they offer. Read more here:

Communication in Intercultural Relationships
On Familia Online! Facebook live stream psychologists Annabel Battersby and Jane Tuomola from Compass Psychology will discuss the role of culture in relationships and how you can overcome some of the challenges and make your intercultural relationship successful. Good communication is one of the key factors and they will discuss intercultural communication and strategies for taking into account for example, speaking different languages and different communication styles across cultures. Annabel and Jane will role play some examples of good communication so you can easily replicate these practical strategies in your own relationship.
Familia Online! is organised in cooperation with Compass Psychology and the Family Federation.
Wednesday 13th June 1-1:30pm 2018
Familia Online Handout

American and Finnish Cultural Differences
Annabel will be giving a talk at The American Women’s Club about American and Finnish Cultural differences. She will share information from research as well as her own personal experiences of being an English speaker living in Finland to bring you some interesting insights. The talk will cover topics such as individualism, manners, greetings. Some interesting contrasts such as how Finns might be sensitive to the intrusion of strangers but are happy to get naked in a sauna will be discussed.

A Mindful Christmas morning @Compass Psychology
Join this special Christmas morning of mindfulness to become more in tune with your senses and to help you relax this Christmas time.
Clinical Psychologist Annabel Battersby will take you through a one hour mindfulness session in the Compass Psychology mindfulness studio on Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 3 B 9. The mindfulness session will be conducted in English, and will focus on:
- paying attention to sights, sounds and smells, and other senses – with a Christmas theme
- taking a moment to be aware of your thoughts and to notice them in a non-judgemental way
- relaxing into your Christmas holidays mindfully, with support and guidance

Love, Relationships and Parenthood in an Intercultural Family
The key factors of a happy and healthy relationship are common for all, and intercultural relationships are not an exception. Still the statistics show that divorce rates among intercultural couples are comparatively higher than divorce rates between mono cultural couples, so it seems that intercultural relationships tend to end up in separation more commonly.
Why is that? What role if any does culture play in this? What are the secrets of those long term intercultural relationships?
The lecture is divided in two parts, the first one concentrates to the relationship issues and will be given by Dr Jane Tuomola of Compass Psychology. The second part relates to parenthood and will be given by Tanja Del Angel from Familia Ry, so you can participate even if you don´t have children of your own.

How and why to talk to your teenager about drug and alcohol use
The Mattliden Parents’ Association, in collaboration with Compass Psychology, has organised a discussion evening for all parents, under the heading “How and why to talk to your teenager about drug and alcohol use.”
The discussion evening will run by Dr Jane Tuomola and Annabel Battersby, clinical psychologists at Compass Psychology Finland. The Mattliden Parents’ Association is offering this discussion evening as an opportunity to listen and learn more about the difficult topic of drugs, alcohol and young people. You will receive tips and expert advice on how to discuss the topic at home with your children and learn more about why it is important to have this discussion.