Jenine Simons

I am a licensed medical doctor and I have worked in several different subspecialities in psychiatry in the Helsinki region. I have always had a passion for individual and group therapy and working with the international community. Therefore, my aim is to train in integrative psychotherapy, to become a registered psychotherapist and be able to provide psychotherapy subsidised by KELA in the future. I have completed the Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) Skills training program created by the founder of DBT, Marsha M. Linehan, PHD, which is the main therapy modality that I will be offering at Compass Psychology.

I will also be leading a weekly DBT group in October. Research has shown DBT to be especially effective for clients struggling with impulsivity, self-harming tendencies and difficulties in regulating their emotions, such as those with borderline personality disorder (BPD). DBT has also been used to treat clients with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and ADHD, who have symptoms functionally similar to BPD.

I have a special interest in providing therapy for clients who suffer from chronic medical conditions, medically unexplained conditions, conditions exacerbated by psychological stess (such as migraine disorders, IBS, Multiple Sclerosis, autoimmune disease), or psychosomatic conditions (such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, pain disorders) including long-COVID.

It is worth noting that I am not offering psychotherapy, but therapy. I will be utilising my background as a doctor in psychiatry, however I will not be working in the full capacity as a medical doctor at Compass Psychology, so I will not write prescriptions nor write sick leave certificates.

I have a special interest in working with clients belonging to oppressed minority groups, such as the immigrant, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ communities, but also Finns who identify as international.

Background: I have always been exposed to a diversity of cultures and languages as I was born to Indian parents and brought up in Austria. After completing the International Baccalaureate Diploma (high school diploma/ ylioppilastutkinto/ A-level equivalent) at the Vienna International School, I completed medical school training in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK and worked in the northeast of England. I also worked in Acute Medicine in New Zealand, before moving to Finland 14 years ago. As part of my research into trauma healing and working with the subconscious, I studied techniques and scientifically validated approaches such as cognitive behavioural therapy, and also creative and body-based methods, such as somatic therapy and parts work (more specifically a therapy known as Internal Family Systems). Mindfulness is a core skill andcomponent of several of these therapies, just as it is for DBT Therapy. I have also researched and attended workshops in group therapies such as group Gestalt therapy and Family Constellations, that make use of more creative approaches. I have completed courses in improvisation-based artforms that strengthen awareness of one’s thoughts, impulses and emotions when alone, and when interacting with others.These include the Meisner Technique, and (Inter) acting with the Inner Partner) (IWiP), the latter created by a psychologist and theater practitioner, Professor Ivan Vyskoçil.

Work Experience:

– Medical residency (Foundation Program) with Cumbria Northumberland Tyne andWear NHS Foundation Trust, UK.

– Acute Medicine, Capital and Coast District Health Board, New Zealand

– In Finland working for HUS, child and adolescent psychiatry, adult psychiatry, neuro-and geriatric psychiatry.

You can check my medical registration with JulkiTerhikki / Valvira at:

My approach: I provide therapy for anyone who is struggling with a mental health issue, regardless of the cause, and who wants to improve their ability to regulate their emotions, connect with themselves and others on a deeper level, and therefore live a more fulfilled life. My aims for therapy are to help you build self-trust, self-compassion and a kind presence with yourself, as I guide you in exploring your inner world. The end-goal is to increase desired/ positive emotions and increase resilience to life stressors. If your life feels like there is an insurmountable crisis, the aim is to to build distress tolerance, so that you do not engage in unhelpful or harming behaviours that intensify suffering. I want you to feel safer in your body, with your emotions, thoughts, and in your relationships. I want you to feel that you can cope with life, which is the foundation for thriving in life. My aim is that you learn these skills so effectively that you will not need me, and I become redundant!

Languages: English, German and Finnish.

Price for 45-minute sessions is 60€

———————————————–Esittely Suomeksi

Olen laillistettu lääkäri ja olen ollut töissä Suomessa HUS:ssa usealla psykiatrian erikoisalalla. Olen aina ollut kiinnostunut yksilö- ja ryhmäterapiasta ja olen kouluttautunut Dialektiseen Käyttäytymisterapiaan (DKT). Tämä hoitomuoto on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi useammassa tutkimuksessa varsin laaja-alaisesti eri mielenterveysongelmien hoitoon, kuten itsetuhoisuuteen, posttraumaattiseen stressiin, syömishäiriöihin, päihdeongelmiin sekä vanhusten masennukseen. Tarjoan myös viikoittaista DKT-terapiaa ryhmässä.

Olen erityisen kiinnostunut tarjoamaan terapiaa asiakkaille, jotka kärsivät kroonisista sairauksista, lääketieteellisesti selittämättömistä sairauksista, psykologisen stressin pahentamista sairauksista (kuten migreenihäiriöistä, IBS:stä, multippeliskleroosista, autoimmuunisairauksista) tai psykosomaattisista sairauksista (kuten krooninen väsymys, fibromyalgia, kipuhäiriöt), mukaan lukien pitkäaikainen COVID.

Tavoitteeni on kouluttautua psykoterapeutiksi, mutta tässä vaiheessa tarjoan vain terapiaa, en psykoterapiaa. Lisäksi tehdessäni töitä Compass Psychology -klinikalla en tarjoa lääkäripalveluita (kuten reseptien kirjoittamista tai lausuntojen laatimista), vaikka hyödynnän koulutustani ja kokemustani terapiaa tarjotessani.

Taustani: Syntymästäni lähtien olen ollut eri kulttuurien ja kielien ympäröimänä. Intialaisten vanhempien lapsena vartuin Wienissä ja kävin englanninkielistä kansainvälistä koulua, jonkajälkeen opiskelin lääkäriksi Pohjois-Englannissa, Newcastle Upon Tynen kaupungissa. Suomen lisäksi olen tehnyt lääkärin töitä Englannissa sekä Uudessa Seelannissa.

Lääkärinammattioikeuteni löytyy JulkiTerhikistä.

Suoritin tason C1 Yleisistä Kielitutkinnoista, joka vastaa ”taitavan kielenkäyttäjän tasoa”.  Olen erityisen kiinnostunut työskentelemään alistettuihin vähemmistöryhmiin kuuluvienasiakkaiden kanssa, kuten maahanmuuttajien, BIPOC- ja LGBTQIA+ -yhteisöjen, mutta myöskansainvälisiksi itseään identifioivien suomalaisten kanssa.Vaikka painopiste tarjoamalleni terapialle on DKT, olen myös opiskellut kehokeskeisiäterapiamuotoja kuten somaattinen terapia.

Lisäksi olen perehtynyt luoviinterapiamuotoihin, kuten parts work, mm. Internal Family Systems, jossa työskennellään erisisäisten osien/ persoonallisuusosien kanssa. Kaikki nämä terapiahoitomuodot hyödyntävätmindfulness-taitoja. Olen myös opiskellut improvisaatiota ja ryhmäterapiaa hyödyntäviäterapiamuotoja kuten Gestalt terapia ja Family Constellations. Näiden lisäksi olen suorittanut useita ilmaisutaitokursseja, joissa tutkitaan omia sisäisiä impulsseja ja tunteita, joko yksin tai muiden kanssa vuorovaikutuksessa, kuten the Meisner Technique japsykologian professori Vyskocilin kehittämä (Inter)acting with the Inner Partner (IWiP). Tavoitteeni on, että luodaan sinulle turvallinen tila, jossa tutkitaan elämänkokemustasi ja harjoitellaan mielenterveyttäsi edistäviä taitoja, kuten itseluottamustaitoja, riittävyydentunnetta, stressinsietokykyä, myötätuntoa itseäsi kohtaan, ja elämän hyväksymistä. DKT:npääperiaate on, että tunteiden ja elämän hyväksyntä mahdollistaa toivotun muutoksen niilläelämän osa-alueilla, joissa muutos on realistinen. Haluan, että sisäistät nämä taidot ja pystyt käyttämään niitä itsenäisesti, jolloin jään sinulle tarpeettomaksi!

Tarjoan terapiaa englanniksi, saksaksi ja suomeksi.

Veloitan 45-minuutin terapiatapaamisesta 60€.


To contact me about therapy, email

Lisa Smith

I trained in Clinical Psychology at University College, London, UK.  I completed my Doctoral training in 2011 and have been practicing within Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in London in the National Health Service (NHS) for the past 11 Years.  I moved to Finland in May 2021 with my family and am currently studying Finnish language alongside my work as a parenting coach with Compass Psychology.

I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the British Psychological Society (BPS) in the UK but it is important to note that I am still in the process of gaining registration to practice from Valvira.  As such I am currently unable to undertake work as a psychologist within Finland and instead I am able to provide individual and group work as a parenting coach and therapist.

I am qualified to work across the lifespan with children, young people and adults with a range of mental health difficulties. I use an integrative and evidence-based approach to treatment and psychological therapy.  My training in psychological therapies is extensive and includes: CBT, Acceptance and commitment therapy, Compassion focussed therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness, Mentalization informed therapy, Psychodynamic, Narrative and systemic approaches with clients.

During my clinical career, I have had the opportunity to work with a range of client groups in a range of contexts (Community, schools, hospital, forensic settings).  Working in London I have had the privilege of working with people from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.  I am really passionate about understanding cultural difference and how this can influence mental health and recovery,


I am passionate about parenting work and have extensive experience of working with parents of children and young people within clinical and educational settings. I strongly believe in the role of parents in supporting their children’s emotional and behavioural development. My focus is on understanding and enhancing connection in the parent child relationship and enabling parents to build skills and confidence in their parenting. I am experienced in using the incredible years program and am trained in the reflective parenting approach. I draw upon attachment theory and mentalization to create a safe space for parents to explore and reflect on their child’s needs.

Dr Lisa Smith

DClinpsy, MBPsS, HCPC (PYL27390)

Languages: English

To talk to me about parenting courses, email

Annie Roland, Office Manager

I am a Psychology student at the University of Helsinki and the part-time Office Manager at Compass Psychology. I am half Finnish and half English and lived abroad in France, Scotland, Spain, England and New Zealand after graduating high school. Internationality is therefore close to my heart and I feel grateful to be working at Compass Psychology where so many great professionals are working for the wellbeing of international people in Helsinki. 

I have a background of working in childcare and youth work both in Finland and in the UK. I also currently work part time assisting at a rehabilitation programme for children with ADHD and Autism.

At Compass Psychology, some of my tasks include invoicing, paying bills and archiving, writing our monthly newsletter, keeping our website up to date, and assisting the management.

To contact me about management matters, email