Second-Time* Mothers’ Group October-November 2024
* Offered for the first time ever!

Sign up to the 2024 Second-Time Mothers' Group
Second-Time Mothers’ Group – NOW STARTING 13TH NOVEMBER!
This 4-week group is designed for Mums who have just had their second or third baby (≤ 5 months old), but their first baby in Finland. This group will give these mothers an opportunity to meet and create a network of other Mums in a similar situation. The group will also offer positive parenting tips for toddlers, how to divide your attention between two or more children, while still attending to your own self-care, as well as tips on parenting culture and practicalities in Finland, as well as what to do with a young family in the Helsinki region.
Note: The babies will attend the group with their Mums, but we are not able to cater for toddlers/older siblings at the group, due to space restrictions. Therefore, you will need to arrange care for your older children outside of the group.
The practical details for the group are listed below:
Dates: 13th, 20th, 27th of November and 4th December (Wednesdays)
Time: 9:45am-11:30am
Venue: Fredrikinkatu 20 B 10, 00120 Helsinki
For: English-speaking mothers who already have a child/children but are having their first baby in Finland (baby is ≤ 6-months old)
Important Information
- Please note that the group is intended for babies of the same age and you are only eligible to join one you group based on the age of your baby.
- The babies will attend the group with their Mums, but we are not able to cater for toddlers/older siblings at the group, due to space restrictions. Therefore, you will need to arrange care for your older children outside of the group.
- The group is for 4 weeks and you should commit to your best ability to attending all 4 sessions. Places are limited so please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend the 4 sessions after all so that we can offer your place to the next mother on the waiting list.
- The group is intended for non-Finnish speaking women who are immigrants or expatriates in Finland for whom it is difficult to access Finnish-language services. This group is run as a not-for-profit community service by Compass Psychology to the English-speaking, international community in the Helsinki region.
- If you have any concerns about attending the group – such as worrying about how to transport yourself and your baby to the group; concerns that the group is intended only for “women who love motherhood”; or any other concerns that may prevent you from attending, PLEASE CALL us to discuss these matters (0449445717). From experience we find the women who benefit the most from the group are the ones who have such concerns; such as struggling with motherhood and caring for the baby, a long distance to travel, experiencing social isolation or feeling judged. We aim to make this a safe, non-judgmental space for all types of mothers and highly encourage you to attend if possible. For many of the women who attend it is the first time they have left the house with their newborn baby and we are happy to discuss how to do this if you need advice. Please email Hatty ( or Jennifer ( for further information.
The group is NOT run for profit but the price includes a charge of 22€ per session to cover tea, coffee, refreshments, resources and use of the venue – You cannot sign up to individual sessions, sign up is for all four sessions.
If you are interested in attending the group, please sign up by using the link at the top of the page.
If you have any further questions about the group please contact
Great support for expat new moms to build the support system they might be lacking in Finland
I recommend this group wholeheartedly to all international mothers. I love the sense of community.
New Mothers' Group one year celebration picnic in August 2018
Here are some of the mothers and babies who attended our New Mothers’ Group in 2018 at a picnic we organised in August 2018 to celebrate one year of successfully running the New Mothers’ Group. We aim to hold this picnic annually for all mothers of from the previous year’s mothers’ groups, and a similar arrangement may be made for second-time mothers’ group if there is demand.

Here is the May 2020 New Mothers’ Group meeting up for the annual picnic. This group went through the program virtually in an online environment due to the corona lockdown at the time. However this didn’t deter them from setting up their group, and after the 4 week program was over they met nearly every week in person for a catch up for the mums and babies.
Useful information for pregnant women and within the first week of the birth of your baby
Please note, there are many great resources you can access before you give birth and in the important first week afterwards! As we will not be meeting you and your baby for many weeks, it may be helpful to access these services earlier on.
For pregnancy: we recommend Purna Yoga for pre-natal yoga classes Another good resource is Espoo Yoga Doula.
For birth: We recommend The Nest Doulas Collective and the services of Katilötalo. A doula is a trained birth support person, and this can be very helpful and calming for your during birth, especially if you cannot have your normal family or friends around for support.
For breastfeeding in the first weeks: We recommend Maria Fernandez as a lactation consultant (she can do home visits) of Espoo Yoga Doula. Again, a doula is helpful for lactation consultancy as well and post-birth transition. Danielle of Mothers Transition is a specialist in the 4th trimester period and does in-home visits and support.